
Welcome to the Cambridgeshire Badminton Association (Cambs BA), a County association affiliated to Badminton England.

Cambridgeshire Badminton Association is dedicated to the development and promotion of badminton throughout the whole of Cambridgeshire.  The county consists of around 30 affiliated clubs as well as hosting Junior, Senior and Masters teams playing in the Inter-County Championships.

This web site is designed to enable Cambridgeshire Badminton Association to promote badminton through providing news and information on local, County and national badminton. Please visit this web site regularly to keep abreast of all the latest developments.

Helpers needed at the Cambridgeshire Restricted

If you aren't playing in the Restricted on 1st/2nd October, but might be free even for a small slot to help out, we really need people to help manage shuttles, scores, and generally keep things running smoothly.

You don't need to know about running tournaments, or attend the entire event.  Just an hour or two helping out would be extremely valuable!

If you are available and keen to help, either 9am-3pm on 1st October, or 9am-6pm on 2nd October, please drop the Tournament Secretary Neil Place an email at