If you are interested in playing County badminton this year then get your pencil and diary out.
Sunday 5th October 1-4 at CRC we will be running a county teams trial to provide an opportunity for people to put themselves forward for potential county selection and provide a chance to identify potential for the future.
To help with planning, please reply to selection@cambridgeshirebadminton.org by Friday 26th September to let us know that you will be attending. Also, if you have friends or club colleagues that you think would be interested then sign them up as well. Please don't just turn up on the day as we aim to plan the fixtures in advance.
Please note, if there is insufficient interest (less that 15 respondents) we will cancel the event; alternatively, if we are inundated we'll split the trials session up to allow for a pre-selection phase.
All the best
on behalf of the Selection Committee