
Welcome to the Cambridgeshire Badminton Association (Cambs BA), a County association affiliated to Badminton England.

Cambridgeshire Badminton Association is dedicated to the development and promotion of badminton throughout the whole of Cambridgeshire.  The county consists of around 30 affiliated clubs as well as hosting Junior, Senior and Masters teams playing in the Inter-County Championships.

This web site is designed to enable Cambridgeshire Badminton Association to promote badminton through providing news and information on local, County and national badminton. Please visit this web site regularly to keep abreast of all the latest developments.

Bushfields Fun Tournament Results


Girls Under 11

Singles: Nicole Stefanelli
Doubles: Katie Heyes / Alice Bates

Girls Under 13

Singles: Sarah Cooper
Doubles: Gemma McGuire / Lucy Botting

Boys Under 11

Singles: Sam Phelps
Doubles: Sam Phelps / Ben Conway-Smith

Boys Under 13

Singles: Ashley James
Doubles: Ashley James / James Veitch

43rd Cambs Senior Tournament Results

43rd Cambridgeshire Senior Tournament 2010

Mens Singles (Semi Finals)

Richard Wrigley (Worcs)btTim Cope (Lancs)21-18, 21-15Toby Penty (Surrey)btJack Molyneux (Surrey)16-21, 21-12, 21-15

Toby PentybtRichard Wrigley21-17, 21-15
Ladies Singles (Semi Finals)
Elena Johnson (Middx)btGemma Whiting (Kent)21-12, 16-21, 21-16Jo Dix (Hants)btMiriam Beales (Herts)21-9, 15-21, 21-11
Elena Johnson (Middx)btJo Dix (Hants)25-23, 21-15
Mens Doubles (Semi Finals)
Andrew Brunning

Chris Dakin (Essex)

btBarry Francis

Daniel Plant (Essex)

21-16, 23-25, 21-16Mike Cooper

Lewis Halsey (Surrey)

btPhilip Manners (Leics)

Steven Stobart (Surrey)

21-19, 21-17Final
Andrew Brunning

Chris Dakin (Essex)

btMike Cooper

Lewis Halsey (Surrey)

21-18, 9-21, 21-8Ladies Doubles (Semi Finals)
Katherine Cooper

Julie Pike (Norfolk)

btLydia Henderson-Boyle (Kent)

Julie Russell (Wilts)

21-11, 21-10Jo Dix (Hants)

Gemma Whiting (Kent)

btElena Johnson

Kate Lester (Middx)

18-21, 22-20, 21-16Final
Jo Dix (Hants)

Gemma Whiting (Kent)

btKatherine Cooper

Julie Pike (Norfolk)

21-16, 21-13Mixed Doubles (Semi Finals)
Jack Molyneux (Surrey)

Gemma Whiting (Kent)

btSteven Stobart (Surrey)

Kate Lester (Middx)

24-26, 21-17, 21-13Ian Murphy

Katherine Cooper (Norfolk)

btJohn Hepworth (Dorset)

Julie Pike (Norfolk)

21-18, 21-10Final
Ian Murphy

Katherine Cooper (Norfolk)

btJack Molyneux (Surrey)

Gemma Whiting (Kent)

21-14, 21-12

Cambs II beat Leicestershire IV

The players of Cambridgeshire II evidently decided on a staggered approach to arrival at the match against Leicestershire IV, leaving the Captain wondering if team selection was going to be performed on arrival time (based on sat-nav success) rather than ability. However, once everyone was in place, the singles commenced. Rob Couch and Sam Pickup both went into their games confident, and supported with the traditionally vocal second team support, were quick to take the honours. Rob asserted himself well, while Sam having taken a very convincing first, toyed with allowing the opponent back before shutting him out. The ladies singles was a harder proposition, with Leicestershire fielding a powerful pair. Hannah Sharman and Sandra Ashcroft struggled manfully (womanfully?!) but lost both in straight games.

The match was level going into the doubles, where the men’s domination continued. Rob and Daniel Bates powered to quick victories against both pairs, with a demonstration of the communication of a long-standing partnership. Sam and Paul Martell are very quickly knitting their own successful partnership, and won both of theirs – with a tight game against the Leics first pair stretching to 27-25 in the third end. Cue much cheering and whooping. Sadly, the ladies struggled again with the rest of the Leicestershire girls being of a similar quality - Hannah and Lisa Hawes, and Sandra and Sharon Chandler all losing in straight sets.

Into the final straight then, with the match remaining in the balance – cue much nail-biting and inspirational talk. With first and second mixed going on, Paul and Sandra grasped a convincing win quickly. However, Rob and Sharon took longer to re-acquaint themselves. Before the match, the season’s statistics had been processed into a spreadsheet that showed Rob had so far been entirely consistent in losing every first end of any mixed game, and then subsequently winning. Unwilling to buck the trend, Rob and Sharon dropped the first and then stood on the precipice before rescuing two further 21-19 results. This meant the match was won, relieving the pressure on Daniel and Hannah which allowed them to express themselves more freely. Hannah showed real class and composure, and they won in two straight games despite a close second. In all, a good result for Cambridgeshire, which moves them above Leicestershire into the top half of the table. Team spirit was traditionally good, which is a bonus for a team about to play three times against the top pair of teams…

1sts Fight for a third victory

The first team went out looking for their third victory of the season against a Kent team who could pose a problem to Cambridgeshire's promotion hope.

Men's singles went one first with Stephen Pickering going up against a player who played for Kent seconds last year, he had a tough first end losing 21 - 18 but dominated in the second to win 21-12, going into the third with confidence then struggled to cope with a rampent opposition lost 21-10.

The second mens singles saw veteran Kevin Barron dragged out of retirement to come and play singles, he showed all his class in a marathon 3 setter winning 21-18, 18-21 and 21-15.

The ladies singles saw Olga Bryant stretch her unbeaten record this season to 9 with an easy 21-14 and 21-13.

And Jaclyn Lai at second singles stepped up to win her first singles this year 21-15 and 21-10, hopefully the first of many this year.

With Cambs in a strong place of 3 - 1 up after the singles the first mens doubles wents on full of confidence, scratch pairing of Stephen Pickering and Neil Place sutruggled in there first end losing 15 -21 stepped up there game to win the second 21 - 13 and fought hatrd in the third end to win 22-20 after being 20-18 down.

Second pair of Kevin Barron and Sunny Loi went on against there second and showed why they've won the restricted twice and dominated to win in two 21-14 and 21-18.

The reverse mens doubles with Neil and Stephen playing the second pair determined to get there moneys worth went to three eventually winning 21-12, 17-21 and 21-14.

The last mens doubles was always going to be close with a strong kent first pair determined to win after losing there first game and so it proved with a battling three ends just losing 22-20, 10-21 and 23-25.

The Ladies doubles has been a strength for Cambs this year Olga Bryant and Jaclyn Lai continued there winning performance this year with a great fighting spirit in the first game to win 28-26, struggled in the second and lost 18-21 but fought through the third end to win 21-18.

Second pair of Liz Salmon and Amanda Godfrey dominated The second pair to win in two 21-14 and 21-7.

The second pair for Kent then had to conceed there second game through injury, this just left Amanda and Liz to play the Kent first pair, and after a great first end winning 21-18 lost the second 17-21 and then fought to the end valiently losing 21-23.

This left Cambs 9-3 up needed one more rubber to get all 3 points, Olga and Stephen pairing up to win the first mixed easliy, 21-14 and 21-11.

New pairing of Amanda and Neil showed a great understanding to win 21-12 and 21-12.

Third pairing of Liz and Sunny showed fight but unfortunately lost 18-21 and 21-23.

This means Cambs won 11-4 can we keep our unbeaten record going forward to the last match before christmas against Bedfordshire on the 6th of December....

IInds Return to Winning Ways

Cambs II team returned to winning ways, with a victory against northern neighbours Lincolnshire at St Bede's on Sunday 8 November. Things did not look hopeful at the outset, with experience being well and truly aced by youth - The senior members Daniel Bates, Robert Couch (who wished to have it recorded that he was getting over a cold!) and Amanda Godfrey all lost their singles, with youthful Hannah Sharman the only player to take her game. Following a closely fought battle, Hannah's heart rate was monitored to ensure she had not over-exerted herself, but thankfully chocolate digestives were not deemed necessary get her back up for the doubles.

Robert and Daniel were keen to avenge themselves in the doubles and barnstormed their way to two quick wins, one being a victory to 5. Paul and Sam looked like a couple rapidly becoming accustomed to either other, and chose beforehand to play a more aggressive style which also brought them two straight-sets wins. The ladies however, faced stiffer resistance going into the doubles. Amanda and Hannah were overcome by a consistent first Lincs pairing, while taking the second. Sandra Ashcroft and Lisa Hawes fought valiantly but struggled to imposed themselves, and lost both despite taking the second game into a third end.

With the scores tied at 6-6, the game went to a nailbiting mixed decider, with all three games going the full length. Rob and Amanda slipped into gear and won to 19 in the third, and Paul and Sandra secured the win by settling into their groove after two very close ends to finish a fading Lincs pair 21-7. New pairing Daniel and Hannah won the first end, but failed to capitalise and faded once the match was secure. So the result of 8-7 means Cambs II get on the scoreboard, and move to a mid-table position. This is a team with some potential, once the members have settled into their roles and had more experience together. Chocolate digestives and Guiness may need to be rationed for the season though.

IInd Team Struggle in First Match

For the first match of the season Cambs II faced tough opposition in the form of Norfolk II, and this was demonstrated in the men's singles, which both went to Norfolk, although Rob Couch put up a strong fight, losing 19-21 and 17-21 in a disappointing two close sets. The Ladies were also very unlucky in the singles, with both Amanda Godfrey (21-19, 17-21, 15-21) and Hannah Sharman (11-21, 21-12, 18-21) losing in 3 after very close fights.

Going into the men’s doubles Cambs were 4 - 0 down and in need of a result, which was duly provided by Rob Couch and Sunny Loy who won comfortably against the Norfolk first pair (21-14, 21-15). Unfortunately they were unable to repeat this in their second close match (19-21, 19-21). Paul Martell and Sam Pickup were also beaten in both of their games, despite putting up a good fight against the Norfolk second pair, only to lose after a tense third set (17-21, 20-22 and 14-21, 21-16, 18-21).

In the Ladies doubles Cambs had more luck with first pair Amanda and Hannah winning both of their games (22-20, 17-21, 21-14 and 21-13, 21-10), but with Cambs still in need of some more wins the second pair of Sandra Ashcroft and Lisa Haws were not so lucky, losing both of their games (16-21, 13-21 and 15-21, 18-21).

So going into the mixed, Cambs were 9 –2 down and playing for pride. They didn’t disappoint. Hannah and Sunny, a previously untried pair set the standard with a spirited fight, winning in three thrilling sets (17-21, 21-13, 21-19). Amanda and Rob also posted a win, with a nail biting third end against the Norfolk first pair (14-21, 21-16, 21-18). Sandra and Paul tried hard but struggled against a good third pair (17-21, 16-21). Final score 10 – 5 to Norfolk.

IIIrd Team Struggle v Beds II

Second game in for the 3rd team proved a little harder than expected. With a few squad changes and some illness amongst the team - I guess that isn't the best preperation. Starting off with the mens singles, the 3rd team started off with a bit of a tough time...Tom up against a tough opponent, managing only to get 12 in both ends...Ray improving,, but still a little short with 16 and 15. Ladies singles on the other hand has been totally different, Laurel played as 1st this time, and had a very difficult and well trained opponent, taking it to 3 ends although loosing in the end(16-21, 21-17, 21-13)..and she had won her first singles on our first tie. Staci played at two this time around, and although she lost in two the second game was 26-24!, and she has had constant close matches always loosing at around 19!

Mens doubles. Owen and Tom having played together at the restricted had some history, but unfortunately this was one step up and lost both mens, though putting up a good fight. Playing at 2nds Damien and Ray took the Beds II pairs a bit further into 3 ends, however, without the killer instinct this time around weren't able to finish things off. Ladies doubles. Emma and Carolyn together for the first time played at 1 losing both games though close in all ends. Staci and Laurel played together at 2nd and were unfortaunately out played in both.

Mixed. Tom and Emma having played in the last match were put up as 1st pair, with Owen and Staci playing 2nd and Damien and Carolyn playing 3rds. With Owen and Staci going to 3 ends this looked like the best chance for a victory. Unfortunately the luck just didn't seem to be blowing in the way of Cambridgeshire and all three mixed ended up going the wrong way. All in all not the result that was hoped for, but it should not be forgotten that this is the first year the County has had a 3rd team. The purpose of which is a development team both for juniors and top club players to experience this level badminton. A couple of games in show that it takes a while to become acustomed to County level badminton, however, there is no doubt that over the season there will be a huge improvement.